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JD7 Consortium awarded a project by the Technology Strategy Board

A consortium of Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions, United Utilities, JD7, and Liverpool John Moores University has been awarded a project by the Technology Strategy Board to develop a new solution for assessing water pipes.

The grant is part of more than £2.5m of funding going to several projects and studies aimed at addressing water security challenges in the UK and overseas. The money awarded to the Balfour Beatty collaboration will fund a project developing a ‘Subaqua Assessment Vehicle for Water Infrastructure’, otherwise known as the SAVE Water project.

Building on existing technologies developed by JD7 and already being deployed by Balfour Beatty’s Network Intelligence unit, the project will develop the first complete in-pipe assessment vehicle which will work in live conditions. Delivering a full sensing package of optical and acoustic inspection, it will also be capable of carrying out a complete structural assessment of the pipe material and any associated linings.

For more information please contact Stuart Hamilton