JD7 was recently contacted by a UK water company to assist in the location of a potential water leak. The water company used the majority of traditional and advanced acoustic technology available to them in the UK including companies using insertion technology. All companies tried to locate the potential and problematic leak but all came up with negative results.
JD7 was asked to visit the site using the LDS1000 system and within 2 hours had located a source of where the leak was, pinpointed and marked the location.
Every UK manufacture of insertion and acoustic technology was requested to return and try to locate the leak now the position was known but again all with failure. The leak was excavated a week later and was found to be a joint leaking – the accuracy was within 300mm and the main was over 2m deep and of cast iron material, this again highlights the benefits and advancements of the JD7 technology in this case the camera, hydrophone and sonde.